Saturday, April 27, 2013

Release - Avatar Trials: Ninja Uprising!

Well, all of our hard work as finally come to fruition.  Our game has been submitted for review in the XBLIG community, and we have officially been passed for release.

It was a tough process.  We had to have a team get-together to squash bugs and to refine the game where we could before we released for review. Through it all, however, I feel we have a great game that is unique in its premise and game-play   We had a press release event to help spread the word about our game, and we can only watch and see what happens from here.

If you're interested, you can find my game here (and it's only $1 to boot):
Avatar Trials: Ninja Uprising on XBOX Marketplace

I'm glad to have been a part of this team, and to lend my creative talent to help create this game.  From gameplay to level design to music composition, I had a blast creating this game, and enjoyed working together with my team.  What lies next is a mystery as I near graduation, but I'm hopeful that I can continue creating unique and entertaining games.

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