Friday, March 15, 2013


Since we are submitting to the XBLIG arcade, there is a submission process we have to pass for our game to be published.  Fortunately, there exists an already compiled list of oft-checked items that your game has to pass, at the least, to be accepted.

I was assigned to keeping track of what our game has passed, and what needs to be fixed.  Thus, I compiled a list of the items in the checklist, and made a Google doc that would keep tabs on our progress.  Below is the link to this document.

Evil List

I'll also update this post to keep up with the parts I personally fixed for our game.

1. I found that our screen wasn't adapting properly for widescreen/standard size.  This was largely the GUI elements of the game, so I had to go digging into our GUI code.  Fortunately, since we only have to worry about standard and widescreen when it comes to our scaling, I only had to add a scaling factor that was set according the screen mode.  It was a relatively simple fix, and it worked flawlessly.

2. After some testing, I found that a second controller (not the profile logged in for the game) could control the menu screen, but not the actual game if they started it.  This happened to be an evil list item, so I went to work.  Again, this was a GUI issue, as the menu screen needs to keep tabs on what player's input is valid.  Thus, I modified our GUI screens to only accept input from registered controllers (which XNA was all too happy to provide for me).  This was accomplished by simply adding a check in the button input function, so that it would check the current controller's port to the registered ports provided by XNA.

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